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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tourism in Yemen

Boasts Yemen a history of civilizations and a lot of natural resources, it has a varied topography qualify to be a pioneer in the tourism sector, it has a lot of sites and attractions, but still a lot of sites and attractions undeveloped and lacks some of the services as a result of wars and strife Permanent suffered by Yemen Yemen has four locations within the World Heritage Sites is the Socotra and old Sana'a and Shibam and Zabid old and despite the rise in the number of tourists to 176.98% in Yemen between 2004 to 2003 but the government has not shown interest in the tourism sector and the rate rose stay tourists from 7 days to 17 days and all indicators except the possibility of developing the tourism sector in the country and pointed out some of the studies that the development of the tourism sector in Yemen sponsor him out of the circle of countries least Nmea comes most tourists to Yemen to visit Socotra and ancient monuments and learn about the culture of the people Yamani and arts folk interested in studying Arabic culture, which was not affected by influences external and that output isolation imposed on Yemen for decades and pointed to the Yemeni Ministry of tourism in its latest report on the development of tourism that modest tourist services in Yemen and completely lacking in the small villages that received a popular tourist.

Polymorphisms tourism in Yemen 

Yemen is one of the best tourist destinations on the map of international tourism, and says his World Tourism Organization "Yemen tourist destination hospitable and attractive and unique in its culture and civilization and the diversity of terrain, and possession of the elements of tourism summer and marine sports to balance cultural and historical enormous, and regarded as the cradle of the oldest civilizations in the world that still evidence of some standing so far and some of them disappeared, and which ones are seen by historians that it preceded the Pharaohs, in addition to the civilizations of other historical extends life to the pre-5000 years before the birth of the most important civilizations (SABA, Osan, Minaeans, civilization Hadramout, Himyarites, and others. starting it home to Arabs Arabh and Arabs extinct, and the containment of Yemen for many scientific centers and the Enlightenment, and gravestones in a large number of areas of Yemen and having to balance tourist medley comes in the forefront of adventure tourism and tourism climbing the mountain peaks Among the most famous of these mountains and the most fun for the exercise of this type of tourism, everything is full its risk and adventure and hardship, climbing the summit of Mount Prophet Shuaib west of the capital Sanaa, a height of 3600mitr from the surface of the sea, and mountain ranges city Mahaweet western Yemen stunning Bmaangtha to pull the fog and clothe terraces and agricultural areas of family trees Yemeni coffee topline. In addition to the Haraz Mountains and other mountains that are characterized by caves and grottos, springs and waterfalls and various sulfur minerals. And on the tops of the towering mountains of Yemen, highlights another kind of fun, adventure tourism, is in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding, which emerged in the last ten years as a kind of Alsaahat new in Yemen, which Tgdb thousands annually lovers this topic of sport in Europe and promising development like this type of tourism in the coming years, especially with the implementation of a number of pilots and paratroopers Acharaian French and the Germans and the Yemeni programs for a number of aviation and flight mass in different areas of Yemen.

Tourism islands and beaches 

Tourism is the islands and beaches in Yemen of the most important elements of the attractions Yemen where there is a large number of islands up to more than 183 Dzezh They Islands characteristics unique natural and scenic, charming and attractive for tourism and marine diving tourism and recreation, as Yemen has a coastline stretches for more than 2,500 kilometers along the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean is the most important Hoti Yemen 
Beach Bourne: It is located in the region of Al-Ghadeer Balbrivh in the province of Aden, one of the most beautiful beaches, it features a beautiful location, a park and a tourist there by many of the chalets and rest houses and tourist service facilities. 
Gold Coast: and is located in the Directorate of Tawahi in Aden governorate. 
Coast Abyan: It is located in the area of Khor Maksar in Aden province, and is characterized by the beauty of appearance and soft sand and clear waters, and there by many of the restrooms and is considered the longest beaches and the coast of the province of Aden. 
Beach Nectarine: Located south of the city of Hodeidah a distance of 110 km on the character of the eastern coast of the Red Sea, a very nice beach and coated with white sand soft shapes crescent ringed by sand dunes and white is one of the most beautiful beaches of Yemen and shaded and dotted with palm trees and Dom, has won these beaches, great fame as a fantastic summer retreat where the advantage Bhoaúha fresh waters and serenity, and constitutes the shores of the most important tourist sites Nectarine beach frequented by visitors on an ongoing basis. 
Beard Beach: Located in the city north of the province of Hodeidah beard at a distance (110 km) on the east bank of the Red Sea coast. And resides near the Khor large forests and mangroves and seaweed in large quantities as well as large numbers of migratory birds and the settlement, in addition to the presence of coral reefs in large quantities and at depths close. 
Gah Beach: Located south of the city of Hodeidah at a distance (55 km) and follows the administrative department of Beit al-Faqih, and the advantage of soft sand dunes shaded with palm trees and there are more than a million trees of the palm trees. 
Beach south of the village of view: It is located in the south-west of the city of Hodeidah distance (10 km) and follows administratively Directorate Aldirihmi, and is considered one of the most important tourist resorts and Almtnevsat natural for the people and visitors to the city of Hodeidah, which is characterized by a sandy beach with the characteristics of a natural beautiful beach goers of the local tourism and regional tourism. 

Beach Sharma: Directorate Dees is located in the province of Hadramout and is considered one of the purest and most beautiful beaches in the province of Hadramout.

Archaeological and historical tourism 

Join Yemen long very a country full of monuments, castles and forts, palaces, temples and dams, a home first for the Arabs Arabh and ancient Arabs and has the many civilizations and kingdoms Sabaean and Himyarite and sultanates, which attest that the land of Yemen was the first in many of the arts and architectural knowledge and the military, and you can see the vocabulary of civilization civilizations of Yemen old in various museums in the Yemeni historical and archaeological sites in the eastern regions, especially in parts of the country in general, and in the beginning of the first millennium BC Yemeni civilizations were at the height of its prosperity and contributed a greater share in the knowledge and human evolution. The vocabulary of civilization of Yemen in the Islamic era has brought new elements we see in cities and capitals and important cities of the regions located on the trade routes and methods of pilgrims, particularly the jewel cities of Arab Islamic city Azal Sanaa beautiful old Shibam Hadramout and Zabid where he was declared a UNESCO World these three cities are among world Heritage cities, all of that rare mix heritage-rich and fragrant history make Yemen an important station wishes of many tourists and visitors had one of the most important archaeological tourist areas in the world. 

Tourism in Kuwait

Kuwait, a country located in the northwest corner of the Arabian Gulf, which is bounded on the east, and is bordered to the north and west of the Republic of Iraq to the south by Saudi Arabia, and a total area of ​​17,818 square kilometers with a total population of more than three million people, is the State of Kuwait and a destination for many tourists from all Arab and foreign countries.

Climate and weather in Kuwait 

Due to the occurrence of Kuwait in the desert geographical region, the continental climate, which is characterized by a long hot and dry, and winter warm short rainy sometimes, as winds causing dust during the summer months, and the humidity is high during the months mentioned was the temperature reaches sometimes up to 50 C in shade, and often winds blowing through causing dust (dust storms), and the winter warmth prevails despite the palace where the rate of heat through it to 18 Celsius temperature may fall to zero percentile in some cases, the chapters fall and spring Vimizan Bakzarethma. The winter rains are irregular and vary from year to year.

Landmarks in Kuwait 

Kuwait has many tourist attractions, most notably: 

Towers Kuwait:

 Kuwait Towers won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, and gives a panoramic view of a comprehensive Kuwait City, the Kuwait Towers are located on the Arabian Gulf in the east. 


 Aloڤuz Mall Complex is the largest complex and shopping mall in the Middle East. The complex is located in the industrial area of irrigation along the Fifth Ring Road to the south, and by the rapid Ghazali from the east. It was the opening of the first phase of it officially in April 2007 in the presence of the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. 

Musical Fountain:

 is a park containing 220 fountain spread over three basins graded. The musical fountain is the fourth of its kind in the world in terms of magnitude. The musical fountain located in the chipset in Kuwait City and will be open seven days a week except on Saturday. During the summer months will be open from 16:00 pm until 0:00 (midnight). During the winter, open the fountain of musical time 15:00 until 22:30. 
Scientific Center: It is a huge building was built on the waterfront, and the designs reflect the center of culture and Islamic art, it Okuarem huge hall exploration and cinema documentaries. 

Messilah Beach:

 Beach is one of the largest gas shores of Kuwait, and runs on the coast of gas at a distance of 350 meters at the end of the Fahaheel Expressway.

Festivals and celebrations 

Hala February Festival:

Kuwait organizes an annul festival (Hala February) and will be held during the month of February each year and lasts for about a month in celebration of Independence Day and Liberation Festival. February is considered one of the finest months to visit Kuwait, where the beauty of nature and the mild weather. The festival includes a large variety of activities and events, and events along with recreation and entertainment through what is promising privileges major shopping, concerts and poetry readings, seminars, cultural and fine arts, and in addition to organizing courses sports a distinctive place in the various sports clubs involving sports teams, both domestic and international.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tourism in Lebanon

Tourism is one of Lebanon's most important sources of income in the state treasury, where it was since ancient times until the present time constitute the pillar of the national economy of Lebanon, and provide job opportunities for many people. Was seen to Lebanon before the civil war, as the "Switzerland of the East", where he attracts capital and foreign business and many of the tourists who want to identify the culture and habits of the population of the eastern Mediterranean. 
The nature of Lebanon and its cultural diversity and historical result of the different civilizations that have passed him made ​​him a popular destination prominent foreign tourists, The country includes a number of attractions and activities that are of interest to different groups of people, there are many effects of Greek and Romanian remaining, forts and castles of Arab, Byzantine and Crusader, limestone caves, churches and mosques historically, sandy and rocky shores, cabarets, nightclubs, mountain ski resorts, in addition to the world-famous Lebanese cuisine. 
There are many private investments that took the float to the surface currently in this sector to grow Taker, as she returned to the country, a lot of the global hotel companies after that she left at the beginning of the civil war. Re-opening of the "Casino du Liban" in 1996, which was a major destination for tourists during the sixties of the twentieth century. Lebanon is the only country in the Arab world that can be purposed in the winter for skiing and other winter sports, where it was to expand and renew the largest ski resort in the country, to accommodate more people and provides them with better services. Officials believe that the return of peace and stability to Lebanon, the tourism sector will come back again to be the most important sources of income for the Lebanese government. Lebanon's tourism sector depends also on the large number of Lebanese immigrants who return each year to their home country during the summer season to Aamadoh between parents and their friends.

Cultural Tourism

Lebanon is one of the richest countries culturally, as it combines a number of features of East and West, from human settlements that date back to the Stone Age, to the cities and Petty Phoenician, and temples Romania to Rites dug in the mountains, and Crusader castles to mosques Mamluk and public baths Ottoman Empire. In doing so, some say that Lebanon is a "mosaic combining Eastern and Western world" and the "Encyclopedia of the civilizations of the ancient world of modern and old." 
The history of cultural tourism is very old in Lebanon, where he visited a lot of Orientalists, scholars and poets European country for their interest in the culture and habits of the Lebanese East, notably: Alphonse de Lamartine and Ernest Renan and Victor Gorin, and those came mostly in the nineteenth century to recognize closely at the historical monuments, sites effects, traditional clothing, religious ceremonies, or pilgrimage to some holy places and shrines. Behind some of them after visiting some of the paintings and diaries.

Tourism impacts 

The history of archeology in Lebanon very old, it dates back to the reign of Almtsrvip, where he was disposed "and As Pasha" (1883-1893) was interested rulers archeological excavations. [5] has been detected many archaeological sites in Lebanon during past epochs even today, some of which have been repairing damaged during the civil war, but a lot of other sites still languishing under-populated towns and villages built on the ruins since ancient times.


Lebanon's three major museums: 

Beirut National Museum was established in 1937, which contains nearly 100,000 artifacts, mostly dating back to ancient times and Central, including 1,300 pieces dating to between prehistoric times to the reign of the Mamluks in the Middle Ages. 
Gibran Museum: It was basically in the town of Dera human, then turned into a museum by the "Association of Friends of Gibran," in honor of the philosopher and writer, poet and painter and theologian Lebanese American Khalil Gibran. The museum contains a diary Gibran and his furniture and his personal library and his paintings.
American University Museum: This museum is the third oldest museum in the Near East, which displays a number of artifacts dating back to the Stone Age up to the Islamic period.
It museums other famous: Museum of Ameen Rihani - Museum Mustafa smolts - Museum and Library Catholicosate Qiliqih - Museum of Baalbek - Dahesh Museum of Art - Museum of Lebanese heritage - Museum Robert Mouawad private - Museum of Jubail Fossils - Sursock Palace - Wax Museum in Jbeil - Museum of Memory Time - soap Museum in Sidon

Religious tourism

Lebanon is located at the crossroads for all of Europe, Asia and Africa, and is therefore located in the center of the Arab and Islamic worlds and combines Christian European cultures thus Dinatin and Asarhama in the cultural melting pot one. This shows up clearly in the Islamic monuments and ancient Christianity and which still exist even today, in addition to the customs and traditions shared between followers of the two religions, and which are still outstanding even today, although the intensity more or less depending on the degree of openness to the West and mixing with the followers of the other religion. Lebanon was a refuge for many of the religious communities of the oppressed through the ages, adding it religiously growing legacy and accumulated over many centuries manifested in a number of shrines and Christian and Muslim shrines. 
Is the most prominent Islamic landmarks in Lebanon, represented by a number of mosques, libraries, schools and public baths in the town of Anjar, which was founded by the Umayyads in the eighth century, and the cities of Beirut, Tripoli and Sidon. The Christian monuments are located in the most Jbeil, Jounieh, Beirut and Bkirki, and a number of areas in Mount Lebanon and the South. There are also features of the Druze religious sect, especially without the others, most of them located in the Chouf.

Tourism in Germany

Germany is one of the busiest tourist country in the world. In addition to the beautiful scenery and diverse activities that are held in the cities, Germany provides for its guests tourism services a variety of starting a network of public transport developed which include high-speed trains and subway (metro) and mass transit buses, taxis, and through the institutions of tourism, such as hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and cafes, and ending with the places entertainment such as theaters, public parks and the like. 

Occupies Germany ranked seventh in the list of active tourism in the world, recalling the data issued by the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations (in English: World Tourism Organization), that the footfall of foreign visitors to Germany as a tourist has recorded a remarkable rise in the past few years. In 2007, he entered Germany to about 24.4 million foreign visitors, and this number is higher than the number of visitors during 2006 and 2005 and who numbered 23.5 and 21.3 million visitors respectively [1]. While the financial figures suggest issued by Bundesbank (German: Deutsche Bundesbank) that the proceeds of the tourism sector in Germany in 2008 rose from 26.3 billion euros to 27.2 billion euros [2]. According to figures released by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics (German: Statistisches Bundesamt), the number of nights spent in hotels in Germany in 2008 to 369.6 million for the night, the share of foreigners, including 56.5 million for the night [3]. The figures indicate that the majority of foreign tourists coming to Germany came from the Netherlands and spent in its hotels 9.7 million for the night, followed by citizens of the United States to 4.44 million for the night, and the citizens of the United Kingdom to 4.22 million for the night [4], while the rate of Arab tourists coming from GCC in 2008, a rise of 7.1% [5]. The German states that finished first in the same year in terms of the large numbers of visitors are Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg and North Rhine - Westphalia [6]. 
Contribute to the tourism industry (except for business travel and trips to visit friends and family and public sector investments) generates about 3.2% of GDP in Germany, which is directly across the tourism projects of small and medium-sized businesses, such as hotels and guesthouses scattered throughout parts of the country [7]. It was the main cities in Germany, the biggest beneficiary of the growth in the tourism sector, as Berlin has seen an increase in hotel occupancy rates increased by 6.5%, and 4.9% of Hamburg. As in the cities in which they are trade fairs Cdosldorf, Hanover and Leipzig, have increased rates of hotel occupancy which increased by 12.5% and 7.1% and 21.2%, respectively, and was what is known as "business tourism" the main factor in bringing about this growth is above average [8 ]. 
While preferred by more than 30% of German citizens to spend their holidays in the inside Germany, witnessing the movement of domestic tourism growth and promising, and the figures indicate the office of German Federal Bureau of Statistics that the number of nights spent by Germans in hotels and guesthouses local amounted to 313 million for the night, and that number is for increasing by 1.9% in each year. 

Date of tourism in Germany

Solutions with modern times, the tourists showed less attention to education versus the growing interest in tourism and recreation. Has seen therapeutic baths (in English: Spa) in Germany since the late 18 th century AD, attracted by the regular Almostagmin, who mostly descended from nobility and the rich in Europe. The bath "Doberan-Heiligendamm", which dates back to its founding in 1793, the first baths that were built off the Baltic Sea, followed by the bathroom "Nordeney" which was built after four years in the region bordering on the North Sea coast. 
In the first half of the 19th century AD, the city of Baden-Baden has become an important destination for tourists seeking rest and recuperation in therapeutic baths, while the city of Wiesbaden got the title of "the first spa in the world." 
With the development of the rail network in Germany, have been able to persons belonging to the middle class, traveling for the purpose of recreation, and who later became available to the working class as well. The percentage of people who have used the rail network in Germany in 1900 0.581630000 passengers. 

Spread in Germany at that time what was known as the "transport associations" that operate in the field of Tourism, has dozens of these organizations in the month of October of 1902, established a "Federal Union of German Associations of transport", based in Leipzig. By the year 1910, it became the Council's three representative offices abroad are promoting Germany as the best tourist destination. In 1914, announced that most of the transport associations in Germany for accession to membership of the Union.

German National Council for Tourism 

Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: German National Council for Tourism 
The National Council of German National Tourist Board (in German: Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus eV), and (in English: German National Tourist Board), and symbolizes his abbreviated (GNTB), all the promotional activities of the tourism industry in Germany, and is through representative offices of 29 develop and implement a range of marketing plans, which aims to enhance the image of Germany as the best tourist destination in the world. 
Associated with the National Council of German National Tourist Board, which was established in May 25, 1948 AD and take the city of Frankfort, Hessen-based, close economic ties with all stakeholders to the tourism industry in Germany, and can be summarized in its objectives to raise the number of visitors coming to Germany, and to increase the sources of income in foreign currency, and the promotion of Germany's economy, in addition to enhancing the image of Germany as the best destination for holidays. 

In order to strengthen the presence of Germany on the map of the tourism market in the Gulf ever flourish, opened the National Bureau of German National Tourist Board (in English: German National Tourist Office), and symbolizes his abbreviated (GNTO), is open on the first of September 2004 AD, taking the Emirate of Dubai in the UAE United based. The work of this office, which is considered one of the representative offices of the National Council of German tourism in the region, closely with most of the bodies and companies active in the tourism industry in Germany.

Germany charming cities 

The National Council of German National Tourist Board (GNTB), railways and Lufthansa German support of the German Association of Cities charming, which includes the following cities, namely Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Dresden, Hanover and Leipzig and Stuttgart. 
Where the Alliance sought catalog in Germany to promote the attractions of the cities that make up the major destinations in Germany in the global markets for more than 50 years. These cities are in places where people enjoy the art and culture in addition to being a major call-centers business. 

Has achieved resounding success charming cities in attracting the majority of foreign visitors to Germany to visit at least one of the ten cities. The number of nights spent by visitors coming from the United States in 2008, more than 3 million a night and more than 2.6 million a night for those coming from Asia.


The Berlin city multicultural; Besides being the political capital of Germany, vibrant city life and allow visitors the opportunity to test events and tourist activities varied, whether it's in the squares or streets wooded or in open markets, bars and restaurants, which remain some open around the clock. 

But Berlin a lot of tourist attractions and archaeological important, as is the Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) from the famous landmarks of the city and a symbol of the era of division witnessed Berlin in the forties of the twentieth century, was this gate closed for several years and reopened a long collapse of the Berlin Wall. The Kaisar Wilhelm Church (Kaiser Wilhelm) Memorial, located in the neighborhood of Corvhorstandam (Kurfürstendamm), they keepsake for peace and a symbol of the beautiful architectural design for the reconstruction of Berlin itself after the devastation of World War II. While the TV tower is in Olexandrblaz (Alexanderplatz), with a length of 368 meters and provides for Mrtade panoramic views of the city, from the most prominent architectural monuments in Berlin. The building of the German parliament Reichstag (Reichstag), which he designed a bottle artist Norman Foster (Norman Foster), is one of the main tourist attractions in the city, which constitutes with the ministry building federal buildings and other modern so-called compound Band Dis Bondes (Band des Bundes). [10] 
The Hakeshi Hovey (Hackesche Höfe) months are nocturnal area in Berlin, and includes a network of 8 headquarters designed to live and work. This is the region's largest complex built in Germany back to the late eighteenth century, has been newly restored and more attractive places for tourists. Includes offices, workshops and factories and apartments. 
Berlin is available in a variety of options for food and drink, as it spreads in the neighborhoods and alleys, a diverse range of restaurants, cafes, shops, starting and ending the fast food restaurants luxury. Pulsing heart of Berlin with food traditional German cuisine, and the pellets are stalls selling meat sandwiches and hot dogs deployed around the city is a good example. The tourists will be able to enjoy breakfast at any time of the day, especially with the presence of a huge number of cafes that offer breakfast all derived from the international cuisine. 

Museum Island is shown behind the TV tower 
In Berlin, more than 170 museum and Darren Opera and some jazz clubs, [11] which are also held on the clock and a lot of entertainment and diverse cultural festivals. The Berlinale Festival (Berlinale) of the most famous film festivals in the world. It turns the German capital in the month of February of every year to the station for movie lovers and creators from all over the world, as have many of the movie stars present at the festival to promote their latest. Perhaps what makes this festival of excellence is that all performances are open to the public, while the music festival is held on the stage of Ouinter Dean Linden Stadtsaober (Unter den Linden Staatsoper) in all the Easter holiday, has become a part of Berlin's cultural calendar. 

The shopaholic will find seized upon Berlin, as available in this city of more than 12 shopping center, and the longer Streets Kurfurstendamm (Kurfürstendamm) and Fredrichstrasa (Friedrichstrasse) of the main shopping streets in the city, along with the presence of many of the stores in neighborhoods Kroazberg (Kreuzberg) and Brinslaouir Berg (Prenzlauer Berg) and Mitte (Mitte).


Tourism in Egypt

Tourism is one of the most important sources of national income in Egypt, and the Egyptian people are accustomed to the presence of tourists in their midst since ancient times. Egypt is characterized by an abundance of tourist attractions of all kinds, because of the abundance of temples and Alotharōhnak also Pharaonic Village, which a lot of statues of Pharaonic take care of it and invested tourist attraction, is also available tourism infrastructure, which includes star hotels, tourist villages and tourist agencies and airline offices, and is considered a tourist congestion year in Cairo, Alexandria and the Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada and the Sinai and South Sinai, particularly in Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Nuweiba, where sports sport diving, which attracts tourists from around the world, particularly from Germany and Italy are a fan of this kind of sports, where that Egypt is characterized by coral reefs, rare in the Red Sea and the types of fish that they held festivals and competitions fishing yacht, which comes to fishing enthusiasts of Egyptians and foreigners. 
As Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist country in the world where the number of tourists visiting Egypt more than 10.5 million tourists in 2013, and ranked No. 22 in terms of the number of tourists and the order of 32 in terms of income.

Cultural Tourism

Shrines Greater Cairo

Pyramids of Giza
The Egyptian Museum
Cairo Tower
Carving hieroglyphic writing in Memphis (Egypt)
Thtamos third statue in Luxor Museum


  • The Egyptian Museum 
  • Citadel Military Museum. 
  • Mohammed Ali Palace 
  • Wax Museum at Helwan 
  • Egyptian Agricultural Museum 
  • Museum School for Peace in Assiut